
Showing posts from February, 2022

Impact Weekend 2022

 This weekend is Impact Weekend for our students! By Sunday they will have had a weekend full of fun, food, and looking into the Scriptures. As with all of our youth ministry events, it is important that the students have the support of the rest of the church. Certainly, the church family supports them through our giving which funds the youth ministry. We also support by volunteering in a variety of roles in the youth ministry. Today, however, I want to invite you to support them in one of the best ways, with prayer. Here are some things you can pray for as students participate in Impact Weekend 2022! Pray that some of the students attending to hear the gospel and trust their lives to Christ and be baptized. Pray for Pastor Tim and his family as this is his first big youth event here at FBC Harrah. Pray that our students will learn to love the Word of God.  Pray they will make the connection between the Word of God, how He wants them to believe, and how He wants them to live.  Pray for