God Told Him To Make Guitars. How About You?

  This week, I watched Keith Getty interview George Lowden of Lowden Guitars. Getty asked Lowden to tell the story of how he became a full-time guitar maker. He explained that in his early 20s, he sold clothing in several small shops in Ireland. One day, when Lowden was praying in church, he felt convicted that he was not doing what God had made him to do for the kingdom. Soon, he sensed a clear calling to make quality hand-made guitars. Immediately, he sold his clothing businesses and went into guitar making. 

However, there was one small problem, Lowden didn't know how to make quality hand-made guitars! But this didn't stop him from following the Lord. Having no available mentor (and being decades before the advent of YouTube), Lowden learned how to make guitars through trial-and-error. When he got stuck with some technical problem, he learned to pause and pray through it. He said there were so many times that the God granted him the wisdom to work past the problem.

When I think of Lowden's story and faith, it reminds me of the story of Bezalel in the Old Testament. God gifted Bezalel "with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship" (Ex. 31:1-2) in order to construct the tabernacle and its furnishings. I wonder, did God just upload these skills into Bezalel by His Spirit, or was Bezalel's story more like Lowden's. Maybe when Bezalel was a young Hebrew in Egypt, he was praying in church and God called him into craftsmanship and filled him with His Spirit? Maybe Bezalel, like Lowden, still had to learn things through the painful process of trial-and-error?

We share in the stories of Lowden and Bezalel. We may not be called to be master craftsmen (I certainly have not), but everyone in Christ has been called to some service for the kingdom. How about you? What has God called you to do for His glory? Maybe to show children the Savior? Perhaps to help members of a Growth Group connect? or help in the Ministry Center? or pick up people who need a ride to church? Who knows, maybe you've been called to make guitars?

Not sure? It's good to take a page out of Lowden's playbook- commit to pray for the Lord to show you what He wants you to do. Also, look to His Word for guidance (Romans 12 is a good passage). Ask a trusted Christian friend for their insights. What are your circumstances telling you? God can use these too to reveal His will. 

When you discover your calling, act on it immediately. Lastly, be patient and do not give up. Like Lowden, it may take a long time to learn how to fulfill what God has called you to do. 


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