Remembering the Passion of the Christ


Today marks the beginning of Passion Week. This is the remembrance of the seven days leading up to Easter Sunday. This week focuses on the suffering of Jesus our Lord and reaches its pinnacle with the cross. It ends with a quiet and solemn reminder that Jesus was dead and in the tomb. 

On the surface, Passion Week looks like a disaster. It starts off hopeful with the crowds praising Jesus and apparently recognizing Him as the Messiah, but things turn and by the end of the week Jesus is arrested, deserted, unjustly convicted, crucified, dead, and buried. By the time you reach Saturday night, Jesus' ministry appears to be a dismal failure. 

Then Resurrection Sunday happens and redefines the Passion Week. Jesus is raised from the dead and new light is cast on the proceeding seven days. Instead of a disaster, Passion Week is a victory. His death is now understood to be purposeful and effective. It becomes clear that on the cross, Jesus paid for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2) and He made a way for us to be reconciled to God. On the cross, Jesus initiated the redemption of the world which will eventually undo all the effects of sin, including death. 

In fact, so great is the victory accomplished on the cross, that the church has come to call the day Jesus died on the cross Good Friday. So great is the victory secured on the cross that we use this brutal execution device as the symbol of our faith! 

This week, I encourage you to take time each day to remember and meditate on what occurred in Jesus' final week of earthly ministry. 

Palm Sunday- Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a colt, riding over palm branches set before him by the crowds (Mt. 21:1-11).

Monday- Jesus curses the fig tree and cleanses the temple (Mt. 21:12-13; 18-19).

Tuesday- In the temple, Jesus answers those who question His authority. The teaching on Mt. Olive (Mt. 21:23-23:39). Jesus is anointed in Bethany. (Mt. 26:6-13).

Wednesday- The Jewish leaders plot to kill Jesus (Mt. 26:14-16).

Thursday- The Last Supper, prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus' arrest (Mt. 26:17-29; 26:36-56)

Good Friday- Jesus is tried in the Jewish courts before dawn and before Pilate in the morning (Mt. 26:57-27:26). Jesus is crucified in the mid-morning and dies in the afternoon (Mt. 27:27-56). Jesus is buried (Mt. 27:57-66). 

Saturday- Jesus is in the tomb and the disciples are in hiding.


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