The Power in Being Faithful, Available, & Teachable

 Dear Church Family,

I've noticed that there are some believers in Christ who experience surges of spiritual growth and seem to enjoy a rich relationship with the Lord. These believers have an abundance of God-stories and regularly witness God at work around them in dramatic ways. On the other hand, I've also seen Christians who have made a profession of faith, yet years, or even decades, later they've experienced little, if any, growth. They have left many spiritual blessings on the table. What accounts for this difference? 

I think the difference can be summed up with three words. The ones who grow much in the Lord are... 

1. Faithful- This means they do what Jesus commands them to do and they stay by His side through thick and thin. I am reminded of the disciples who stayed by Jesus' side even after he gave a difficult teaching which caused the crowds to leave Him (John 6:60-71). We are faithful to Christ when we hold fast to our faith in Him and obey His teachings individually and as a church family.

2. Available- This means that they free up their time, talents and treasure in order to be about the Lord's work. I am reminded of how Peter, Andrew, James, and John dropped their nets and immediately followed Jesus (Matthew 4:18-22). We are available when we say "yes" to things like sharing the gospel, mission opportunities, tithing, serving in a ministry and helping with children and the poor.

3. Teachable- This means they realize that God may use anyone, great or small, to pass on biblical truth and they are willing and able to receive it from whomever. This reminds me of Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee and an expert in the law, but who was willing to learn from Jesus (John 3:1-21). We are teachable when we believe we can learn from the Bible from anyone and respond with good questions about what we hear instead of simply responding with, "I already know that."

If we embrace these three qualities, there is no telling what the Lord may teach us. Who knows how far the Lord will take us in our service to Him!

Pastor Doug


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