Links Regarding the Southern Baptist Convention


Some church members were wondering where they can go and read about some of the happenings with the Southern Baptist Convention Which happened in June.

Here are several links to Baptist Press which help to tell some of the stories:

The resolutions passed during this and prior meetings-

Regarding the resolutions-

The SBC Book of Reports gives reports from all the Southern Baptist Convention Entities. You can see the recommendations of the Executive Committee to the Messengers starting on page 51...

The Book of Reports will eventually be included in the 2021 SBC Annual. SBC Annuals seek to record all the happenings among Southern Baptist entities during a given year. Just know that when they are published they report on actions for the previous year (sometimes year and a half). For example, the 2020 annual covers happenings in the second half of 2018 and most of 2019-

There have been some questions in our church about SBC internal controls. Be sure to look under the section called Financial Report...

Report on the North American Mission Board-

NAMB's 2020 report-

Regarding Oklahoma church planting-

Regarding accusations of sexual abuse scandal in the convention-



Amended action by the messengers-


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