
Showing posts from October, 2021

Light Up the Night! 3 of 3

This weekend we have a golden opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our friends and neighbors. Many of us will have trick-or-treaters on our front porches with their families nearby. Others of us may team up with fellow growth group members to handout candy, food, and water bottles to families in busy neighborhoods. Unlike so many other times of the year, we have a special opportunity to be in close proximity to people who need to hear about Jesus.  We also have a message to share. We want these families to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of the cross and resurrection. We want to clearly communicate how people can be saved and changed by Jesus. Some of us may get the opportunity to share verbally with trick-or-treaters. Some of us may simply include gospel tracts with other freebies (by the way, we have provided you with packets of tracts on a table in the worship center lobby). The best method for sharing the good news of Jesus is the one yo

Light Up the Night! 2 of 3

Last week, I pointed out that October 31st provides a rare opportunity to interact with our neighbors and community. Families, which generally keep to themselves, will likely come to your front door in order to show off their kids' costumes and get candy. Trick-or-treating provides a rare opportunity for you to rub shoulders with those whom you might not otherwise visit with. As a Christian, how can you use this occasion to fulfill Christ's command that we tell others about Him? In order to effectively share the gospel, you've got to be in close proximity to people who need to hear. Beyond this, you need to know what you want to communicate. If you were going to engage trick-or-treaters with the gospel, what would you say and how would you say it? Here are some tips to keep in mind: 1. Keep the focus on Christ and what He did. We might be tempted to talk to people about church or maybe even tell them our opinion about Halloween. But given that your communication will likel

Light Up The Night! 1 of 3

How many people ring your doorbell over the course of a week? Maybe one or two? Perhaps none? If someone does ring your doorbell, is it usually a neighbor or a sales person? How do you feel when someone is at the front door? Are you happy someone is stopping by or do you feel anxiety about the person out front? Things have sure changed in recent years. In the digital age, personal interaction on our porch has become rare. Unfortunately, the likelihood that the person ringing your doorbell is a neighbor wanting to share freshly baked bread is low. Therefore, many of us have become leery of guests at the front door.  In two weeks from Sunday, however, your doorbell may ring three dozen times, and you will be glad to open it. People will be on you porch, and you will probably give them all gifts. No, this is no episode of the Twilight Zone , but in two weeks it will be Halloween night. You might see Halloween as just dress-up fun and games for the kids or you might understand it as a holi