Light Up the Night! 2 of 3

Last week, I pointed out that October 31st provides a rare opportunity to interact with our neighbors and community. Families, which generally keep to themselves, will likely come to your front door in order to show off their kids' costumes and get candy. Trick-or-treating provides a rare opportunity for you to rub shoulders with those whom you might not otherwise visit with. As a Christian, how can you use this occasion to fulfill Christ's command that we tell others about Him?

In order to effectively share the gospel, you've got to be in close proximity to people who need to hear. Beyond this, you need to know what you want to communicate. If you were going to engage trick-or-treaters with the gospel, what would you say and how would you say it?

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep the focus on Christ and what He did. We might be tempted to talk to people about church or maybe even tell them our opinion about Halloween. But given that your communication will likely be brief, I encourage you to keep it centered on the gospel. 

The important parts of the gospel are:
A. Our sin is our big problem (Romans 3:23)- people need to know that everyone has sin, this separates us from God, and we can do nothing in our own strength to be rid of it. 
B. Jesus Christ is God's solution for our sin (Romans 6:23)- people need to know that Jesus came from heaven, paid the price for our sins on the cross, was buried, but was raised from the dead in glory.
C. Our response to this good news is important (Romans 10:9-10)- people need to know that if they believe what the Bible says about Jesus, then they can be saved if they will follow Him as Savior and Lord. 
These are the details of the gospel which make it really good news!

2. Make it brief. For a lot of people, trick-or-treating is about getting as much candy as possible in a short amount time. So, the way you share needs to be brief, but clear. This means that you may hand out one of our ABC Cards. You might try to share your 15-Second Testimony. Or you might try to share about the beads on the Salvation Bracelet or one of our folding tracts. All of these can be shared in a minute or less. But be sure to practice so you will be confident and clearly understood! If you need training in these methods, visit with your growth group leader or one of the pastors. 

3. Be sure to provide a way for people to respond. Keep in mind that the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of people who are being saved. You may share the gospel with someone and they want to respond right away. Or later in the week, they may think, "I need to talk to someone about that bracelet!" Regardless, we need to provide a way for people to act on the gospel message or learn more when they are ready. If you share the gospel with someone, you may be so bold as to ask if they want to make the decision to follow Christ right then and there. Or you may give them an ABC Card that has our church information on it. The point is that you don't want people to hear and then have no avenue to respond. What can you do to guide them to next steps in the faith?

Last week, I issued the challenge to our families to make the most of October 31st  for the kingdom. I hope some of you are forming a plan to take action and invite people to consider Christ. Really think about how you can clearly communicate what the world needs to hear. 

I can't wait to hear the stories!

*picture by Cory Ohlenkamp/Star Press


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