Your Growth Group #2, Discover the Word

So when we think about small groups, we usually think Bible study first. This is appropriate. In fact, for years people have called small groups Sunday School. A lot of churches simply refer to them as Bible studySchool and study imply learning. In small groups, we learn about the Bible. For those of us who have grown up in church, we would expect that studying a passage of Scripture should be the primary purpose of a small group. 

Small groups are the best place to learn to know the Word of God. Most likely you will grow more in your knowledge of the Bible in small groups than you will by only attending the worship service. The reasons for this are that small groups allow more time for digging into passages for meaning and they allow for questions and discussion. Consider that when Jesus taught the crowds about the parable of the sower, the disciples understood it only after they were able to ask Jesus questions in a small group format (Mark 4:1-20).

Another benefit of small groups is that there is a leader who facilitates learning for the group members. This teacher spends time in preparation during the week to make sure he/she's ready to present, answer questions, and guide discussion about the passage at hand. Our small group leaders do what they do because they have a passion for their group members to understand the Bible and grow in the Lord. 

It is a great thing to grow in knowledge about the Bible, but this in itself is not complete. James tells us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers (James 1:22). This means that the purpose of small groups must go beyond just growing in understanding, they need to foster action by the group members in light of the lessons they learn. Small groups do this when members challenge each other to be obedient and they give each other loving accountability. We are more likely going to live out the Bible if we have friends who will lovingly hold us to it. 

For all of these reasons, small groups are most effective for fostering spiritual growth. This is the reason why we formally call our small groups here at FBC Harrah Growth Groups. Studying the Bible is at their core and growth in the Lord is their purpose. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone in our church to commit to a growth group if they want to grow in Christ. If you need help finding a growth group, visit us at the Hub in the worship center lobby and we would be happy to help you find the group right for you.


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