Your Growth Group #6, Discover Care

As Christians mature they become less focused on themselves and more concerned with others. This is the Christian way. This is at the core of Christ's teaching and life. 

Jesus taught this: "Do to others as you would have them do to you."  (Luke 6:31) "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:31)

Jesus demonstrated this: "By this we know love, that He laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers." (1 John 3:16)

Paul taught this: "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor...Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality...Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another." (Romans 12:10, 12, 13, 15, 16)

It's a beautiful thing to watch believers grow in love and care for one another. God puts in our heart the desire to do this. He also provides the church as a context to practice caring for one another. Specifically, growth groups are one of the best places in the church to learn how to care for others. 

Growth groups are small groups of 12-15 people who are committed to learning and living out the Bible. These groups give us a special opportunity to know other people in our church. Over time, group members become more familiar, open, honest, and vulnerable with one another. The result is members learn about the felt needs of others. Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of growth group members to lead them toward an attitude of compassion and kindness. 

So, as felt needs are revealed and members grow in compassion, the stage is set for members to care for each other in meaningful ways. Often, group members feel compelled to:

  • Fix meals or help maintain the yard for members who are sick or grieving.
  • Watch the children of a member who has an important life event (like a job interview).
  • Lend a listening ear to a member going through a valley. 
  • Pray for the other members in the group. 
  • Give money to help with a bill.

Over time, members will have the opportunity both to give care to others, and receive it themselves. God uses giving and receiving care to grow us in Him. (Receiving care is necessary sometimes to take away our pride. Being willing to receive help was necessary for us to be saved by the gospel. This humility is a virtue in the faith, not a flaw.)

My encouragement to you is to find a growth group and be a faithful participant in it. Serve others in the group and allow others to serve you. 

I want to challenge growth group leaders to foster this culture of caring in your groups. When you hear of a group member struggling, be sure to give a call and offer support. However, I'd really encourage you to get other members involved in carrying the weight of care. Don't go it alone. 

One last thing that I'll mention to adult growth group leaders. We need adult leaders of children and youth growth groups to be attached to adult growth groups. If they are not, they run the risk of falling through the cracks and not be cared for when they face hard times. 


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