The Big Ask for 2022

2021 was a fruitful year in the life of our church. So many in our congregation were bold for the gospel and took leaps in their obedience to Christ (e.g. 83 people in our church shared the gospel 918 times). Looking to 2022, there is another opportunity for dramatic growth as we serve the Lord together. 

For the sake of Christ and for our spiritual growth, I want to give you a big ask. Would you commit to do the following list with me? For many, this list will be uncomfortable and probably unpopular. For others, it may be one of those lists that we will give a nod to, but then hope everyone forgets about it. Yet, those who commit to reach for it will likely experience profound growth in Him. 

Living out the lifestyle outlined below will only be possible by the power of God in us through Christ. We will need each other and accountability for the items listed below to become habits and convictions. But will you try with me? Will you commit to live this out with me? I hope you will:
  1. We will abide in Christ our Lord and Savior before all things (Matthew 6:33; John 15:5; Revelation 2:4)
  2. We will love the Word of God and prayerfully study it on our own, with our families, and with our fellow church members in small groups (Psalm 119:105; Deuteronomy 6:7). We will all be part of a growth group.
  3. We will preserve the unity of our church by 1) being gracious toward one another (Col. 3:8, 12-15), 2) talking directly with one another when we sin against each other (Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15), 3) seeking forgiveness and forgiving each other as the Lord's forgiven us (Matthew 6:12; Colossians 3:13).
  4. We will worship the Lord with our brothers and sisters in Christ with humble, joyful, and right hearts, leaving behind selfish and judgemental attitudes (Philippians 4:4; Psalm 95:2; Psalm 139:23-24)
  5. We will daily renounce sin and strive for holiness in the power of the Holy Spirit (Col. 3:5-17; 1 Peter 1:16). This includes giving great care to what we expose to our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:8). 
  6. We will be a church of fishers of men who work to present the gospel with people and invite them to belief in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:17; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). We will work to share the gospel with someone each week.
  7. We will be a church of disciple-makers, personally investing in the spiritual growth of believers and teaching them to obey Jesus (Matthew 28:20). We will learn to lead a discipleship group of new and young believers. 
  8. We will faithfully and regularly give our tithes and offerings in support of 1) the Great Commission work of our church, 2) our missions partners, and 3) our benevolence ministries (2 Corinthians 9:6-12; Galatians 2:10).
  9. We will serve sacrificially to support the kingdom efforts of the body of Christ according to our spiritual giftedness. We will be willing to serve beyond our preferences and serve where needed.
  10. We will treat our service unto the Lord as our first priority in life, putting everything else after Christ and His purposes.
I recommend putting this with your Bible and reviewing it often. 

All glory be to Christ our King,

Pastor Doug


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