Becoming a Faithful Family

So many of our families are struggling. We struggle to get along with each other. Our family members make choices which are not pleasing to the Lord. It's difficult to feel that our families are growing close to Christ and to one another. 

We go to church and listen to sermons and Bible teachings, but often we feel it makes little difference in our families, especially as we face so many powerful influences elsewhere. 

What do we need to do to see our families benefit from a growing faith in the Lord?

God's answer to this question is in Deuteronomy 6:4-7

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

God taught the Israelites that spiritual life begins in the home. The Israelite families were to live out their love for the Lord in their families first. They were to commit God's Word to their hearts. They were to talk about it often as they lived life together. Their love for the Lord was to be present in every sphere of life. Through example and diligent instruction, Israelite children received and owned the faith of their parents and passed it on to their own children later in life.

In many of our homes, we only give attention to the Lord when we go to church. Many of us only go to church occasionally. Is it any wonder then why we are weak spiritually and suffering in our families. God is the answer to our problems, but in our homes we give Him very little time and attention. 

Think what would happen if our families spent more time talking about the Lord and striving together to live it out. Here are some ideas to help:

1. Establish a daily family devotion time. Make a commitment with your family to set aside 5-10 minute each day to read a passage of the Bible and pray together. Try doing this 3-5 times a week. You can add more time and days as you strengthen this habit. Don't get down on yourselves if you miss a day. Just remember, God has blessings to give your family each time you meet with Him. Keep an eye out for family devotions we will provide for you and your family.

2. Finish each devotion with a family mission. With a task to accomplish before the next family devotion, the Bible reading and prayer will stay action-oriented. This will keep your Bible reading and prayer focused on obedience. Each time you gather, ask how everyone did with the mission and celebrate victories.

3. Demonstrate confession and repentance when you fail. Your family needs to see an authentic faith from you. We all fail and sin, even as believers, but it is important to demonstrate for our families what it looks like to own up to our sin, apologize for it, and leave it behind. Hiding our sins and acting like we always have our act together will do more harm than good.

Family devotions will be difficult. It will take a commitment and sacrifice. You'll have to find the time for it. You'll have to wrangle your busy family into it. They take constant practice and improvement. But if you commit to do it, you will see incredible spiritual benefit in your family. Let me challenge your family to try it for 30 days. I'd love to hear how it goes.


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