
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Weekend Plan, September 25, 2022

Hello Church Family,  Just a few items to share with you as we prepare for worship this weekend:  A Psalm of Repentance- This Sunday we continue our series, Psalms- Let Us Worship Together: Relating to God in the Highs and Lows of Life. This Sunday we will look at Psalm 51. I encourage you to read it over a few times before you come on Sunday. Ask the Lord if there is any sin in your life that you need to turn from. My prayer is that our worship will be rich as we consider how Christ frees us from our sins.   Let’s Finish Financially Strong- I am always amazed at how God provides for our needs to do His work. Through the faithfulness of the many households that make up our church, we receive almost $600,000 in contributions to the ministry budget each year to the Lord’s work! This is something special- Thank you to those who give and glory to God! September marks the last month in our fiscal year and thus far we have received much of the amount we need to function as a church, but we

The Weekend Plan, September 18, 2022

 Hey Church Family,  This is going to be a beautiful weekend with a lot of sunshine! I hope you have plans to get outside and enjoy it! I'd like to share with you a few items about First Baptist Harrah's Weekend Plan.  Discipleship Coach Training- This Saturday at 8 AM in M01 our discipleship ministry will host a refresher training for discipleship coaches who will soon be leading starter discipleship groups. If you would like training to know how to teach new believers how to know and follow Jesus. We will only meet for 45 minutes. Any ladies can stick around and be first in line for the women's ministry breakfast which begins at 9 AM. Edna McMillan State Missions Offering, Church-wide Goal: $500- As Baptists, we value partnering for missions. This month, the missions ministry is challenging our people to give above and beyond the tithe toward the Oklahoma State Missions Offering. These funds go to support our many Baptist ministries in Oklahoma ( What ministries does t