The Weekend Plan, September 18, 2022

 Hey Church Family, 

This is going to be a beautiful weekend with a lot of sunshine! I hope you have plans to get outside and enjoy it! I'd like to share with you a few items about First Baptist Harrah's Weekend Plan. 

  • Discipleship Coach Training- This Saturday at 8 AM in M01 our discipleship ministry will host a refresher training for discipleship coaches who will soon be leading starter discipleship groups. If you would like training to know how to teach new believers how to know and follow Jesus. We will only meet for 45 minutes. Any ladies can stick around and be first in line for the women's ministry breakfast which begins at 9 AM.
  • Edna McMillan State Missions Offering, Church-wide Goal: $500- As Baptists, we value partnering for missions. This month, the missions ministry is challenging our people to give above and beyond the tithe toward the Oklahoma State Missions Offering. These funds go to support our many Baptist ministries in Oklahoma (What ministries does the State Missions Offering support?). Please pray and consider the amount you would be willing to give this Sunday. 

  • Finishing the Ministry Year in the Black- September is the last month of our ministry year. This means this Sunday and next Sunday, September 25th are our last opportunities to give toward the 2021-2022 budget year. The general budget funds our church's operating expenses and ministries. Our annual budget is $596,741.68 and we have received $552,261.21 through September 11th. This means that we are on pace to receive about $574,351 this year, which would be a shortfall of around $22,390 (approx. 4%). Unfortunately, this would put us around $10,000 in the red (spending over income). But the financial year need not end this way. If we all take some time to prayerfully consider our giving, we may see that the Lord wants us to address this potential shortfall. The Lord may lead some of us to start giving Him the tithe (10% of our household income). He might lead some of us to catch up on our giving. Some of us, He may inspire to step up and give extravagantly to the work of His church. My prayer is that we will listen to the Lord and give what He has laid on our hearts to give. My belief is that if we are faithful and generous, this deficit will disappear over the last two Sundays of September- to the glory of God. 
  • Discover First Baptist Harrah Class- This class gives new people an opportunity to discover more about First Baptist Harrah and our plan to help their households grow in the Lord. Even if you missed the first class, it's not too late to join in and learn about our church. We will meet in the fellowship hall at 11:15 AM. Be sure to bring a snack to share (store-bought items are great). 
  • Special Called Business Meeting- Sunday at 4:30 PM in the worship center we will vote regarding the adoption of our 2022-2023 budget. This is a matter of family business for our church, so I hope our members will make an effort to attend this important (but brief) meeting.
See You Sunday!

Pastor Doug


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