
The Weekend Plan, September 25, 2022

Hello Church Family,  Just a few items to share with you as we prepare for worship this weekend:  A Psalm of Repentance- This Sunday we continue our series, Psalms- Let Us Worship Together: Relating to God in the Highs and Lows of Life. This Sunday we will look at Psalm 51. I encourage you to read it over a few times before you come on Sunday. Ask the Lord if there is any sin in your life that you need to turn from. My prayer is that our worship will be rich as we consider how Christ frees us from our sins.   Let’s Finish Financially Strong- I am always amazed at how God provides for our needs to do His work. Through the faithfulness of the many households that make up our church, we receive almost $600,000 in contributions to the ministry budget each year to the Lord’s work! This is something special- Thank you to those who give and glory to God! September marks the last month in our fiscal year and thus far we have received much of the amount we need to function as a church, but we

The Weekend Plan, September 18, 2022

 Hey Church Family,  This is going to be a beautiful weekend with a lot of sunshine! I hope you have plans to get outside and enjoy it! I'd like to share with you a few items about First Baptist Harrah's Weekend Plan.  Discipleship Coach Training- This Saturday at 8 AM in M01 our discipleship ministry will host a refresher training for discipleship coaches who will soon be leading starter discipleship groups. If you would like training to know how to teach new believers how to know and follow Jesus. We will only meet for 45 minutes. Any ladies can stick around and be first in line for the women's ministry breakfast which begins at 9 AM. Edna McMillan State Missions Offering, Church-wide Goal: $500- As Baptists, we value partnering for missions. This month, the missions ministry is challenging our people to give above and beyond the tithe toward the Oklahoma State Missions Offering. These funds go to support our many Baptist ministries in Oklahoma ( What ministries does t

New Christian's Class Begins Next Week!

 Are you a new believer? Have you been a Christian for a long time, but you've never received basic instruction in the faith? Are you a believer who wants to be able to reach and disciple others? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will want to sign up for FBC Harrah's Spring New Christians Class.  Mark your calendar for 6-8 PM on the following Sundays: March 27, April 3, 10, 24, May 1, 15, & 22. This class will walk you through beginning steps to help you grow in Christ. It will also equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to start obeying Jesus as Lord. This class will be a good review for even experienced believers. There will be a track for K-5th graders and childcare for pre-k kids. Students (6th-12th) are welcome to join in the main class. Be sure to bring a pen, notepad, and Bible. We will hold the class in M04 in the upstairs education building. We will provide class material at no cost to you.  Scan the following QR code to register:

Becoming a Faithful Family

So many of our families are struggling. We struggle to get along with each other. Our family members make choices which are not pleasing to the Lord. It's difficult to feel that our families are growing close to Christ and to one another.  We go to church and listen to sermons and Bible teachings, but often we feel it makes little difference in our families, especially as we face so many powerful influences elsewhere.  What do we need to do to see our families benefit from a growing faith in the Lord? God's answer to this question is in Deuteronomy 6:4-7 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." God taught the Israelites that

Let's Make A Dent

  It's estimated that 1,380,000 Oklahomans are Dechurched . This means they attended church at some point in their lives, yet they have not been a part of a church for a long time. These are people who often hold beliefs consistent with Christianity, but they don't have an accurate view of the gospel or a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These are people who are either not yet saved or believers who have not yet been discipled.  There is another group called the Nones . These are those with no religious affiliation of any kind and they have never attended a church. It's estimated that 920,000 Oklahomans fit this description (that's 23.5% of the population of OK!).  Taking a broader view, there are 366 million people in North America. Missiologists estimate that 275 million of these do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  The need is clear. We need churches, faithful Christians, and missionaries who are willing and able to communicate the gospel s

Impact Weekend 2022

 This weekend is Impact Weekend for our students! By Sunday they will have had a weekend full of fun, food, and looking into the Scriptures. As with all of our youth ministry events, it is important that the students have the support of the rest of the church. Certainly, the church family supports them through our giving which funds the youth ministry. We also support by volunteering in a variety of roles in the youth ministry. Today, however, I want to invite you to support them in one of the best ways, with prayer. Here are some things you can pray for as students participate in Impact Weekend 2022! Pray that some of the students attending to hear the gospel and trust their lives to Christ and be baptized. Pray for Pastor Tim and his family as this is his first big youth event here at FBC Harrah. Pray that our students will learn to love the Word of God.  Pray they will make the connection between the Word of God, how He wants them to believe, and how He wants them to live.  Pray for

Your Growth Group #8 , Discover Fellowship

  One of the things that happens when we follow Christ is that our worldview becomes different from those around us. As we study His Word, our perspective aligns with the Lord's. Our affections and interests change. A lot of the time this creates distance between us and our families. It can cause our friends who do not follow Christ to reject or even mock us! Jesus taught us that people would reject us because of Him (John 15:18-25). Sometimes being a Christian can be a lonely road. This is one of the big reasons for the local church. Church members share a common view of Scripture and have a shared belief that Jesus Christ is Lord. We come to realize just how important it is to be with people who share our most treasured beliefs, who see the world with a similar world-view.  The Bible uses the term fellowship  to describe this affinity and friendship between fellow church members. Though Christians may not share the same DNA or background, there is a kindred spirit between them, b