Children Need the Strong Leadership of Men in the Church

 Recently, I read a story about Marion Morrison. His friends called him Duke. You probably know him by his stage name, John Wayne. For a generation of boys, John Wayne was the model of manhood. They watched his movies and learned from his courageous actions and matter-of-fact words. Wayne wasn't perfect, but he embodied the qualities of someone trying to do what's right. One commentator described him as..."the prototypical American hero, symbolizing such traits as self-reliance, grace under pressure, resolve, and patriotism." Needless to say, John Wayne left an impression. 

This reason I bring up John Wayne is that there is a need today for men to set an example for boys and girls. Boys need to see what biblical manhood looks like in action. They need to see faithful men who serve the Lord in humility, emit integrity, protect the vulnerable, and demonstrate fatherly love. Little girls need to see godly men who are worthy to follow, repent when they err, and trust the Lord to provide. Boys and girls do not need perfect men, just ones who faithfull follow the Lord. 

Many households do not have a model of godly manhood. Unfortunately, our children's ministry has become light on the number of men willing to serve and invest in children. If our homes and our church do not model manhood well, then boys and girls will look for it elsewhere. They may choose to follow an example of manhood which chases something other than the Lord.

With my closing words, I want to issue a challenge to our men: Will you ensure that our children's ministry has an abundance of faithful male leaders on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights? Would you be willing to become involved and invest in our boys and girls? If you would be willing, please contact one of the pastors and we will guide you to the next step. 

Hope to talk to you soon. 

Brother Doug 


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