Growing Up In Christ

 I came across an interesting tool a few weeks ago. It is called the Putnum Circle and it attempts to show the progression of a Christian’s spiritual growth in Christ. 

It shows how people go from being spiritually dead before they believe in Jesus (Romans 6:23), to becoming spiritually alive when they trust in Christ (John 3:3). As new believers, we have life, but spiritually, we are like babies. This means we do not know much about God and His Word. We need spiritual milk (1 Peter 2:2). Babies in the faith need a mature Christian to teach us to know and obey Christ’s teachings (Matthew 28:19-20).

With exposure to the Word and other Christians, we become more like children. One of the risks at this point is that our new-found knowledge of the Lord may lead us to be conceited if we aren’t careful (1 Tim. 3:6). As spiritual children, we struggle with the flesh and being self-centered in our faith. Peter is a great example of this (Matthew 16:22-23).

Today, we act like spiritual children when we demand things to be done our way instead of prayerfully seeking for things to be done God’s way. Much of the division that happens in the church happens because we act as spiritual children.

By the work of God’s Spirit, people grow in their walk with Christ. Paul speaks about being able to eat spiritual food. He is referring to Christians who become like young adults in their spiritual growth. Christians like this have learned to abide in Christ by His Word. These Christians serve the Lord’s church and submit themselves to God’s will. Christians like these practice obeying the Word, yet they are not quite to the point of whole-heartedly leading people to Christ and selflessly discipling others in Him. In the Scriptures, I am reminded of the disciples who met Jesus in Galilee. They witnessed the risen Christ and were learning to obey, yet they were not proficient in leading others to Jesus. 

Lastly, there are spiritual parents. These are people like Paul who sacrifice themselves regularly to lead others to be whole-hearted followers of Christ (2 Cor. 11:8-9). Not only do they give up a lot for others to know and love Christ, but they are intentional in working a strategy to see people discipled.

As you read this, which stage do you think you are at? Are you spiritually dead, a spiritual baby in Christ, a child in the faith, a young adult in the faith, or a spiritual parent which is actively raising up others in Christ? What steps does the Lord want you to take to grow up in Christ? I’d love to hear what you think!


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