Reflections on Mom, Mother's Day, 2021

 Reflections on Mom- 

A great mom is a mighty force in a person's life. I often think about my own mother, the things she did, and the words she said. Her past words and actions affect me even today. They still shape my decisions. Interestingly enough, I think her past actions and words direct me more than my interactions with her in the present. For instance, when I'm tempted just to send a thank you note to someone via a text message, I remember how my mother taught me that thank you notes made with pen and paper, sent through the mail, carry with them air of warmth and personal touch which is unmatched. Because of her, I try to mail thank you notes as often as I can. 

Not many people in our lives carry such strong and steady influence as our mothers. Samuel Philips, a minister in the 19th century described a mother's mighty and long-lasting guidance on her child: 

"The nursery is the department of home in which the mother fulfils her peculiar mission. This is her special sphere. None can effectually take her place there. She is the center of attraction, the guardian of the infant's destiny; and none like she, can overrule the unfolding life and character of the child. God has fitted her for the work of the nursery. Here she reigns supreme, the arbitress of the everlasting weal or woe of untutored infancy. On her the fairest hopes of educated man depend, and in the exercise of her power there, she sways a nation's destiny, gives to the infant body and soul their beauty, their bias and their direction. She there possesses the immense force of first impressions." (The Christian Home,124-125)

Mothers, thank you for wielding your God-given influence well with your children. Your love and direction live on. Mothers, if you still have children in the home, keep up the great work!

Happy Mother's Day!

Pastor Doug


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