What it Means to Belong to a Church, Part 4, Helping With What Needs To Be Done

In light of this being Labor Day weekend, think about this story:

Grandpa Smith hosts his grandsons, Willy and Frankie, for a Labor Day cookout. He makes an incredible meal including burgers, hot dogs, and eight different sides. Everyone enjoys the meal and eats until they can eat no more. At the end of the meal, everyone is excused. Willy asks if he can help Grandpa clear the table, put the leftovers away, and do the dishes. Frankie decides he is just going to play cornhole instead of helping. Which grandson acted like a better family member? 

If you said Willy, then you deserve an extra piece of apple pie. Willy saw what needed to be done and helped out. Frankie received a lot, but he didn't give anything back. Most of us have learned that being a good family member means helping with what needs to be done, even if it's something we do not like doing. 

Jesus taught us that this is the meaning of service. In John 13, Jesus got on His knees and washed His disciples' filthy feet. This chore was usually reserved for the household servants. Yet, here was the Master doing what needed to be done, even though it didn't fit with His normal work of teaching the Word and healing the sick. Jesus told His disciples to serve one another just as He had served them.  

When it comes to the church, serving is part of the difference between just going to church and being a part of a church family. Those who just go to church for their personal benefit will rarely serve. When they do serve, they will be very picky about how they help, lest they be uncomfortable or inconvenienced. Yet, when we share in the community and commitment of church membership, we understand that often we will need to help with what needs to be done, even if we don't especially like doing it. 

When I was church planting in Colorado, we met in a school cafeteria. This meant that each Sunday we had to unload the equipment trailer before church and then reload it afterwards. It was exhausting work each week. Not a one of us felt that carrying stuff in and out of the school was our spiritual gift or ministry calling. Yet, we did the work because it was necessary and our church family needed our help.

In our church family, we know our mission is to help people hear about Jesus, believe in Him, and then grow in their faith in Him (2 Peter 1:8). We all love to serve according to our spiritual gifts, abilities, experience, and passions. We love to serve where we are comfortable. Yet, there are many important tasks which we must do whether we feel called to them or not. For example, if we are going to reach children for Jesus, then we have got to have enough helpers for preschool church and Wednesday night FirstKids. If we are going to have church supper to feed families and the needy in our community, then we must have helpers to prepare the meal and clean-up afterwards, right? 

There are many other tasks in many of our ministries which are unglamorous and no fun, yet they are necessary for us to fulfill our purpose. Are you willing to help? If you are, visit with one of the pastors or directors and we will show you where the need is.

Pastor Doug


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