What It Means to Belong to a Church, Part 6, Giving Together

It is much easier just to go to church. You can slip in and out as you please, few people know your name, and it only costs you a little gasoline and time. For a small investment of your resources, you can have a short-lived uplifting experience that might help you feel like a better person. Small cost, small reward. 

However, it's much more to belong to a church family. Belonging means to be committed to a community of Christ-followers. It is a covenantal relationship between yourself, other believers, and the Lord. In this relationship, there are great blessings to receive. It is very rewarding to learn and love with a church family. Yet, as with all healthy relationships, membership requires that we give greatly to the church family. With great reward comes great cost. 

For several weeks we've discussed what we must give to our church family for membership to be meaningful and rewarding. It takes our time and presence. It takes our energy and service. Now let's realize that it requires our financial generosity.

No, you don't pay to be a church member. There are no fees or dues. However, we learn to give freely our tithes and offerings because these help us to 1) grow closer to Christ and 2) be united with our church family in purpose. 

First, when we give, it demonstrates to the Lord that we trust Him to provide for our needs more than we trust ourselves or our money (Deut. 8:18). As we give to His church, we learn to have a loose grip on money. In this practice, we prevent money from gaining too great a place in our hearts. Thus, giving opens the way for a closer walk with Jesus. 

Second, giving unites us in purpose with our church family. This is how it works: 1) As members, we know from the Word that God has called His church to meet needs and share Christ (Acts 2:38-47). 2) In light of this knowledge, we agree on a ministry budget which details how we plan to spend the money we will give over the next year. 3) God provides money to our households and we give our tithes and offerings to the church because we love Him (Lk. 21:1-4). 4) We spend the money according to the plan. 5) God receives the praise and delights in our unity. 6) We rejoice that we were counted worthy to participate in God's redemption plan for the world.

When people sacrifice with one another for a common purpose, it forms a bond between them. There comes to be this understanding, "We share in this together." Part of the rich experience of belonging to a church family comes when we are collectively willing to sacrifice our funds for the cause of Christ. 

This Sunday evening at 4:30 PM, we will seek agreement on our spending plan for 2021-2022. Come and be a part. May the Lord unite us in our plan. Then, let's be faithful to give our tithes and offerings this next year so that God will work through us.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works..." Hebrews 10:25


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