Merry Christmas! Be a Gift to Others

This weekend we give gifts to one another in honor of the birth of Christ our Savior. This is one of the most exciting parts of Christmas, especially for the kids. Last week, a little girl told me that she hopes to get a pony for Christmas and I know a little boy who wants a fiddle. We all like to receive meaningful and special gifts, however we must realize that no material gift can compare to the gift of Christ. 

The richness of Christmas comes with understanding what we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. We receive pardon of our crimes toward God. We become adopted into God's family and become heirs to the inheritance of heaven. We also receive eternal life and the promise that we will be with God forever, enveloped by His goodness and glory. There are many other rich and substantial blessings we receive through Christ, the greatness of which we cannot fathom. Really, there is nothing under that tree that comes close to what we receive in Christ.

It is also rich to consider Christmas from Jesus' perspective. Christmas marks the time He set aside the glory of heaven and humbled Himself by taking on flesh and was born a baby. The incarnation is a profound teaching to consider. It is followed by many examples of Jesus humbling Himself and offering Himself up for the redemption of humanity. Of course, the greatest way He emptied Himself was when He willfully died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins (Colossians 2). 

For Jesus, Christmas meant giving Himself as a gift to those who needed Him. In this is an example and a command for us which exceeds exchanging gifts. 1 John 3:16 says, "By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers." As Christians we carry the call to give ourselves to those who need us. John says this is the essence of love. 

So, this Christmas, have you ever thought of what it would look like for you to give yourself to others rather than just exchanging material gifts? Giving ourselves is very costly. It involves giving our precious time, energy, and money to others. It means giving ourselves for the good of another with no expectation to receive anything back. I'd like to invite you to pray and ask the Lord about this. You may pray, "How can I give myself to others as You have given yourself to me?" 

I would be thrilled to hear how the Lord answers this prayer. 

Church family, enjoy your family. Enjoy the gift giving and receiving. Consider the magnitude of our gift in Christ. Be blessed as you find a way to give yourself to others in love. 

Merry Christmas!

Give ourselves as a gift.


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